Gayla Playboysgotpep (“Buster”)

Consigner’s Description
This gelding is big gentle and gorgeous smooth gated high end ranch horse.he is a favorite to use at any job. he has drug many calves to the fire at brandings, used to doctor yearlings in the pasture, sorted hundreds of pairs at community pastures. He is well started as a head horse and has been heeled off. This is a very good looking sound gentle horse that can be used for any ranch job. He would be a contender at a Versitility Ranch Horse Competition, team roping, ranch sorting, team sorting, trail riding, & would be an excelent barrell prospect. He would be fun to use at what ever you enjoy doing. Can be viewed or tried at Simpsom Ranch Wickenburg AZ. call Sandra cell 306 241-9648. or Kevin 306 668-4200.
Consigned By:
Kevin J McCutcheon
Wickenburg, Arizona